Memories and Promises…

On this New Year’s Eve 2014, we look back over what’s been accomplished through our fitness classes and forward to the opportunities waiting in 2015.

We’ve welcomed curious and (mostly!) committed new friends in Marblehead, Danvers, and Gloucester as they take to heart the advice to find ways of maintaining  their motivation to keep physically moving, regardless of the changes taking place in their mobility levels.

We were saddened by the passing of members and  miss those who have moved away, as well as the friends who are unable to continue attending classes due to unexpected and disabling medical  conditions.

It’s always a treat (and sometimes a challenge!) each time we meet to see the smiles, share the moans and groans, and watch one another share words of encouragement and good-natured teasing. All of it leads us toward emphasizing the seriousness and importance of personal goal making, whether in class or at home.

January 1, 2015 offers the opportunity to look both backward to where we’ve been and how we got there with all of its lessons learned, AND forward to hope, goals, and renewed motivation.

Keith, Linda, Dianna, Sue, and Marilyn all look forward to all we can accomplish together in 2015!



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