Drumming…week two!
Wow! What a class we had with instructor Lauren Caso on February 2nd!
All of us played identical instruments at the same time…first the gankogui (double bell), then the axatse (gourd rattle) and finally the kagan (baby drum, although they’re not so small!) so that we are becoming more in unison as we play the various rhythms used for each instrument. We’re working on connecting all of them into an interlocking, cohesive sound.
And then it was up on our feet and learning initial African circle dance motions! Trying those steps to authentic music recorded “in the field” was an excellent balance exercise…we’re not saying it was easy, but there was a great combination of concentration and laughter! We can hardly wait to try putting it together again next week!
That old saying that good things come in small packages fits our new friend Lauren. She may be small in size, but her instructing talent and patience level is as big as her heart!