Category: Parkinson’s frequent urination


An October 30, 2018 article posted on the Parkinson’s News Today web site states:

“Although a high percentage (27% to 80%) of Parkinson’s patients experience lower urinary tract problems, little is known about effective treatments. Urinary symptoms such as urgency, frequency, nocturia (excessive urination at night), dysuria (pain or discomfort when urinating), and incontinence are indicative of an overactive bladder and can affect patients’ quality of life considerably.”

If urinary symptoms are bothersome enough that you want to know more about what the medical experts are learning and perhaps recommending, read here for the complete and very interesting article provided at Parkinson’s News Today.

Learn more here about neurogenic bladder conditions from information sited on the Cleveland Clinic website.

NOTE: The information shared on our Parkinson’s Fitness site is intended for general educational use to assist readers in becoming informed participants in a personal medical management plan. Presenting the information does not imply endorsement or recommendation of them as medical diagnosis, treatment, advice, or as a replacement for consultation with a qualified medical professional. We attempt to be as consistently accurate as possible; however, conveyed information from other sources should not be relied upon as being comprehensive or error-free.