When we lose more water than we take in, dehydration sets in. And too many of us just don’t think much about how serious dehydration can become. Why not drink some water RIGHT NOW while clicking here to read some very important facts about the risks of dehydration on our bodies and abilities to think and respond clearly and safely.
The August/September issue of Brain & Life magazine offers an important article about dentist visits for people with neurologic conditions. For this and a great variety of other articles, click on the following link: https://www.brainandlife.org/the-magazine/article/app/14/4/23/dental-visits-made-easier-for-many-people-with-neurologic-conditions
For instance, when scheduling dental visits, time appointments for when medications are the most effective. Because Parkinson’s is progressive, consider replacing old fillings, crowns and bridges during the early stages following diagnosis. Being proactive in managing life care should include telling the dentist if you are taking monoamine oxidase B inhibitors such as rasagiline (Azilect) and selegiline (Emsam) drugs used to treat symptoms such as fatigue, because they can interact with anesthesia and cause adverse reactions.
Brushing and flossing twice a day and avoiding decay-producing foods helps prevent pain, tooth loss, infections, and in extreme cases, death due to abscesses if ignored too long. Hard to hold onto a toothbrush? Try this: make a small slit in a tennis ball and slide the toothbrush handle into it. The ball provides a larger hand grip that many people need, which may encourage more frequent brushing!