Bowling, Balance and a Whole Lot of Fun!

March 19, 2014

Nine bowlers and three “cheerleaders” had a wonderful time together at the Metro Bowl lanes on Foster Street in Peabody this morning!

It was our first field trip together as friends that didn’t involve attending a medical seminar or some other kind of informational event. Why did we choose bowling? It was a unanimous decision made during one of our weekly Parkinson’s exercise sessions. We were focusing on balance and stability, when someone mentioned that what we were doing was similar to bowling. That’s all it took and today’s plan was put into motion!

The Metro Bowl owners and employees were really friendly, helpful people, right down to giving permission for our members to use their canes while bowling, if balance was a concern. Those highly polished alleys are slippery, so our fun activity also provided a combination of balance, exercise and concentration. All the laughter and cheering one another on was good for exercising the facial muscles, as well as voice projection, too!

We’ll “spare” you any other puns, except to say that this idea was a lucky “strike”!


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